Effective Implementation of Environmental Laws in Pakistan


  • Ali Asghar Advocate High Court, Member Pindi Bhattian Bar Association, District Hafiz Abad, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Umer Advocate High Court, Member Pindi Bhattian Bar Association, District Hafiz Abad, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Afzaal Afzal Community Development Officer, Housing Urban Development & Public Health Engineering Department, Punjab, Pakistan.




Environmental Laws, Effective Implementation, Laws and Legislations, Policy Legislation


This research paper examines the environmental laws in Pakistan and the various impediments faced in their implementation and subsequently puts forward various solutions for proper enforcement of laws pertaining to the environment as well as towards the prosperity of the environment. Pakistan suffers from various environmental problems, and one of the major reasons for these problems is the non-implementation of the laws and legislation concerned. Despite there being proper legislation regarding environmental laws in Pakistan, the enforcement of relevant legislation is an issue. Various solutions are discussed in this study, which overcome the barriers and aid in the successful implementation of the environmental laws in Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Asghar, A., Umer, M., & Afzaal Afzal. (2024). Effective Implementation of Environmental Laws in Pakistan. Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(1), 9-14. https://doi.org/10.55737/qjssh.739687440

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