Social and Emotional Self-Awareness Skills among Students: A Case Study
Self-awareness, Case Study, Curriculum Designers, Decision MakingAbstract
Self-awareness is the competency of how feelings, ideas, and moral principles affect an individual's performance in various settings, including the family or the classroom. The main purpose of this study is to look at the self-awareness and practices of students within the classroom. There are multiple stakeholders, i.e., teachers, heads & researcher observations, were included in this research. The case study offered the chance to gather rich contextualized data for SEL self-awareness skills of students’ skills and practices. The federal public secondary school was chosen to collect the data. Based on the results of the innovation configuration map (IC) on a list of potential participants, three schools were chosen. Before the final school site decision, a request for participation was made to all participating schools, with the administrators of each school participating. The information from the respondents was gathered using the purposive sampling technique. Student observations, focus group teacher interviews, and head interviews were used to gather data. To analyze the data, the researcher used NVivo 11 to interpret the results. The study results revealed that knowledge, abilities, and good communication among students, teachers, family & community are the best skills and practices indicated for decision-making. Curriculum designers should revisit the self-awareness competencies & practices in the curriculum.
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