Impact of Perceived Service Quality on Customers' Loyalty; Mediating Role of Customers' Commitment


  • Samina Bibi MS, Department of Management Sciences, Hazara University Mansehra, KP, Pakistan.



Perceived Service Quality, Customers loyalty, Customers Commitment, Banking service quality


In current modern economies, services sectors are considered the back bone of any economy. Service sector organizations are striving hard to provide better service qualities to their customers so that they can have maximum customers and ultimately can have maximum profit. On the other hand, customers select service providers on the bases of their quality. Hence it is very imperative to evaluate the perception of customers regarding the service quality of any organization. This study aims to examine the impact of perceived service quality of banking service on customer loyalty. Furthermore, the study also examined the mediating role of customer commitment in the relationship between perceived service quality and customers' loyalty. The study is quantitative in nature and data was collected using standardized questionnaires from existing studies. The study collected data from the customers of different private banks in Pakistan. The result revealed that PSQ has a positive and significant relationship with customer loyalty. Furthermore, customer commitment partially mediates the link between PSQ and customer loyalty. The study has many practical and theoretical implications.


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How to Cite

Bibi, S. (2022). Impact of Perceived Service Quality on Customers’ Loyalty; Mediating Role of Customers’ Commitment. Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(2), 1-19.

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