Driving Eco-Innovation through Green Transformational Leadership: The Power of Employee Voluntary Green Behavior


  • Sara Ibrahim MS, Department of Management Sciences, Hazara University, Manserha, KP, Pakistan.




Green Transformational Leadership, Eco-Innovation, Employee Voluntary Green Workplace Behavior


Keeping in view the increasingly importance of environmental preservation, organizations tend to focus more and more on sustainable business practices. Accordingly, employees green practices such as eco-innovation can contribute significantly towards the preservation of the environment. Hence, it is very crucial to study how companies such as banking sector enhance employees green innovation or eco-innovation to solve environmental problem. For this purpose, the present study has examined the variables that might be the predictors of employees' eco-innovation. An important contributor to employee eco-innovation is green transformational leadership, which was the focus of this study. Moreover, this study verified the underlying mechanism that leads transformational leadership to employees' eco-innovation through the role of employees' voluntary green workplace behavior. Hypotheses were presented based on social identity and social exchange theory. Data were collected from 150 workers of private and public banks in the Hazara region by convenience sampling. Results confirmed the positive impact of Green Transformation Leaderships on Eco Innovation. Moreover, the findings also confirmed the significant mediating impact of EVGB between the links of Green Transformation Leaderships Eco-Innovation. These findings have important implications for both academics and bank management like, to strengthen their green creativity, using green transformational leadership to establish a green corporate identity would need a large commitment of resources. If the organization wishes to drive employee eco-innovation, it must connect the concept of green transformational leadership to its long-term development sustainability. When individuals embrace voluntary green workplace behaviors, eco-innovation rises.


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How to Cite

Ibrahim, S. (2022). Driving Eco-Innovation through Green Transformational Leadership: The Power of Employee Voluntary Green Behavior. Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(2), 59-76. https://doi.org/10.55737/qjssh.674872860

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