Micro Credentialing and Digital Badges for Teachers: Professional Skills Development of Secondary School Teachers
Micro Credentialing, Digital Badges, Professional Skills, Secondary School Teachers, EducationAbstract
This study examined the influence of micro-credentials and digital badges on teachers’ professional skills development at the secondary school level in the Mardan district. Teachers are change agents in shaping student's cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains, and hence, this research aims to enhance teacher professionalism. The objective of the study was to revolutionize teacher perceptions related to Micro-credentials and Digital Badges and their influence on teachers’ professional skills. The finding of the study provides critical insights into micro-credentials and digital badges, intending to elevate secondary school teachers' proficiency in the teaching-learning process. This study recommends focusing on collaborative learning, digital transformation in the teaching-learning process, sustained professional development, and empowering teachers with advanced teaching practices.
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