Perceptions of Students Regarding the Promotion of Values at Secondary School Level


  • Tufail Ahmad B.Ed, University of Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.



Islamic Values, Moral Values


The purpose of the study was to explore the perceptions of students regarding promotion of Islamic values and to identify the perceptions of students regarding promotion of moral values. All 31252 secondary school students of 74 Government High School constituted population of the study. Out of total population 100 students were conveniently selected from 10 Government High Schools of district Swabi. A closed ended questionnaire containing 10 items based on Likert scale was developed with the consultation of the supervisor in relation to the objective of the subject. The collected data was presented in tabulated form. Frequency and percentage were used as statistical tool to analyzed data. Findings of the study revealed Majority of the respondents agreed that most of our teachers have knowledge about Islamic and moral values. Most of the participants agreed that teachers teach us to start every work with recitation of "Tasmiya". Several respondents believed that teachers teach us about the importance of Salah in our daily life. Maximum participants agreed that teacher teach us important events from the holy life of Prophet (SAW). Most of the subjects agreed that teachers teach us about the importance of life on earth and heaven. Majority of the participants were agreed that teacher inculcate the value of speaking truth in our life. Several respondents believed that teachers teach us about the importance of honesty. Many participants agreed that teachers teach us about the importance of brotherhood in life. Most of the subjects agreed that teachers teach us about the importance of keeping promises. Many participants believed that teachers teach us about the importance of condolence.


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How to Cite

Ahmad, T. (2020). Perceptions of Students Regarding the Promotion of Values at Secondary School Level. Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 29-39.

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