Extant Literature Review on Understanding of Domestic Violence against Women in Rural Sindh, Pakistan
Domestic Violence, Patriarchy, Masculinity, Review, Sindh, PakistanAbstract
This paper presents detailed critiques of existing literature and debate on crucial issues of domestic violence against women in Rural Sindh, Pakistan. Primarily, definitions, causes, consequences, and prevention of domestic violence, as well as sociological and feminist theoretical framework perspectives, are discussed profoundly. Discussions and analyses of past materials, meanings, nature, and scope of studies on domestic violence worldwide and in Sindh, Pakistan, backgrounds are discussed. Patriarchy, masculinity, and their relation to domestic violence are briefly elaborated. The international perspective on domestic violence, ideology and concept of patriarchy, men and masculinity connecting to the situations of marriage, gender relations, roles, legal and religious perspective in Pakistan about domestic violence in Sindh, and previously reported incidence is also reviewed. Likewise, relevant literature and its review on the topic of past studies, connecting with the present study, have also been established with relevant theories, which have overlapping effects on domestic violence. Literature review sections of papers define that there is not any single theory or reason; rather, there are multiple socio-economic, psychological, and feminist viewpoints which allow perpetrators to commit domestic violence against women in rural Sindh, Pakistan.
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