Effect of the 7E Learning Cycle Model on Students’ Achievement in the Subject of Science at the Elementary School Level


  • Zahida Noreen Lecturer (Education), Higher Education Department, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Mateen Iqbal Department of School Education, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Khizar Hayat Department of School Education, Punjab, Pakistan.




7E Learning Model, Students' Achievement, Science Literacy, Traditional Instructional Model


Innovative teaching strategies help students get an opportunity to think critically and reflect. This study aimed to investigate effectiveness of 7E learning model to teach the science subject to grade VIII students. This quantitative study was carried out at Govt. Girls High School 90 SB Sargodha using intact group sampling. Control group students were taught science subject by traditional instruction method, while experimental group students were taught with respect to sequence of 7E (Elicit, engagement, explore, explain, elaborate, & evaluation) learning cycle model for twelve weeks. Science Achievement Test (SAT) was used as pre-test and post-test. SAT was pilot tested and validated by the science teachers before administration to experimental group. Reliability of test was .92, measured by split-half method. Performance of both groups was compared using t-test. Students taught through 7E instructional strategy scored higher in posttest as compared to students of control group. Findings of this study are useful for developing curriculum material, lesson plans and improving classroom practices. Incorporation of 7E learning cycle model in science curriculum is necessary, so students can construct their knowledge themselves by actively participating in class and create ideas to solve everyday problems.


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Author Biography

  • Zahida Noreen, Lecturer (Education), Higher Education Department, Punjab, Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Noreen, Z., Iqbal, M., & Hayat, K. (2024). Effect of the 7E Learning Cycle Model on Students’ Achievement in the Subject of Science at the Elementary School Level. Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences, 5(2), 34-45. https://doi.org/10.55737/qjss.315497375