Home-School Connection: Investigating Parental Involvement in the Academic Learning of PrimarySchool Students
Parental Involvement, Volunteering, Communicating, Decision Making, Learning at Home, Academic Leaning, ParentingAbstract
The objectives of the study were to analyze the perspective of parents about their involvement in the academic learning of their children studying at the primary school level. A quantitative research design was used to conduct this study. A descriptive survey method was used to collect the data. The population of the study was parents of the students of government primary schools of tehsil Rajanpur. It included male and female primary schools in rural and urban areas in this tehsil. Disproportionate stratified random sampling technique was used to select 648 parents of primary school children. Self-developed research instrument, i.e., a five-point scale, was used for data collection. The data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The study found that parents were highly involved in parenting and home-based learning activities. However, their involvement in the community-related activities and decision-making was relatively low. It is suggested that parents participate in classroom, school, and co-curricular activities. Training sessions may be conducted for teachers and parents on various ways of collaboration in the educational settings in order to better understand and improve the student's learning progress.
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